Cross Over The Bridge Game Rules:A Guide to Crossing the Bridge in a Stress-Free Way


Crossing the Bridge is a popular card game that requires strategy, communication, and teamwork. It is a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on the game rules, helping you to play Cross Over the Bridge in a stress-free and enjoyable manner.

Game Mechanics

Cross Over the Bridge is played with a standard 52-card deck. Each player is dealt 10 cards, with the remaining 10 cards forming the bridge. The bridge cards are placed face-down in the middle of the table, and players must use these cards to form a sequence of cards in their hand. The objective of the game is to create the highest-valued sequence possible, while using as few bridge cards as possible.

Game Play

1. Each player takes it in turn to play a card from their hand. The player who played the card must use at least one bridge card to form their sequence.

2. If a player does not have a bridge card to use, they must discard one card from their hand. If they do not have any cards to discard, they must draw a card from the deck and discard it.

3. If a player is able to form a valid sequence using their bridge cards, they must play the top card of their sequence. If they have already played all of their bridge cards, they must draw a new bridge card from the middle of the table.

4. Players must try to form their sequences in the order of their choice. However, they must notify their opponent of their intention to play a particular card or sequence. Failure to do so may result in penalties or loss of points.

5. Players may not play the same card twice in a row, except for the King of Spades, which can be played as long as it is followed by a different card.

6. When a player has no more cards in their hand, they must discard all remaining cards.


At the end of each round, players score points based on the value of their sequence. The values of the cards are as follows:

- Spades: 4 points

- Hearts: 3 points

- Clubs: 2 points

- Diamonds: 1 point

The player with the highest-valued sequence wins that round. If two or more players have the same highest-valued sequence, the player with the best bridge use wins the round.

Winning the Game

To win the game, a player must score 11 points or more in a single round. If a player reaches this threshold, they win the round and are awarded a bonus card. If they win multiple rounds, they receive the total of all their bonus cards. The game continues until one player reaches 100 points or more, at which point they are declared the winner.

Cross Over the Bridge is a challenging and entertaining card game that requires strategic thinking and communication. By following the rules and guidelines provided in this article, you can play Cross Over the Bridge in a stress-free and enjoyable manner. Remember to stay focused, communicate with your opponents, and enjoy the game!

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